Security and prevention measures against the coronavirus (COVID-19)

We want to reassure our clients by informing them that we have sent all our drivers the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) on basic preventive measures against the new coronavirus (COVID-19).

Your health, your safety, and that of our drivers, are our highest priority at this time. We understand that calm is needed now more than ever and, therefore, we have informed all the drivers we work with so that they carry out the following safety and preventive measures in their fleet of vehicles.

Safety and prevention measures for everyone

  • Handwashing frequently.
  • Have disinfectant hands on the car, both for themselves and for the passengers.
  • Clean surfaces frequently with cloths and household cleaning products.
  • Keep distance from others as much as possible.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Adopt respiratory hygiene measures: cover the mouth and nose with the inside of the elbow or with a tissue when coughing or sneezing. Throw away the used tissue immediately.
  • Stay informed about incidents in your country and alert travelers to the latest events.
  • Leave work immediately and seek medical attention if they experience fever, cough and / or shortness of breath according to WHO recommendations.
traslados aeropuertos